For those of you that haven't used nUnit yet, sorry. I broke it.
So I'm working on a cool new little pet project at home. And i wanted to set it up with a number of spiffy Unit Tests. I also wanted to make sure that exceptions are thrown when the component fires up and can't locate config info correctly.
So, I did something sick... I simulated an AppDomain firing up with incorrect config data. Creating the AppDomain is pretty easy. The trick came from trying to test instantiation of my component/type inside of that domain -- especially because my component is a 'static class' (private constructor with only static methods).
So here's what I did
1) Create the new AppDomain,
2) Remotely load an assembly into that domain (this assembly acts as a relay/proxy/scaffold in the remote domain, where I can further load assemblies and instantiate objects, and then pass references to those objects back to my executing (original) appDomain.
3) Once my scaffolding/proxy/relay is built... load a new assembly (of the type I want to test), instantiate an instance of the type I want to test (using Activator.CreateInstance (and set to use non-public constructors)), and pass a handle back to my calling appDomain.
The good news, it works PERFECTLY. I can step into it, watch the wheels churn, everything works 100% as desired. Makes me feel tough...
The bad news, nUnit chokes on it, and throws serialization errors. Just to make sure, I fired up the test itself (outside of nUnit) and stepped into it there ... worked perfectly there as well. (i.e. fire up a console app, tell it to run my unit test.testxxxmethod() and everything works fine... nUnit just can't handle it.)
Must be something about how nUnit already creates proxies/etc. where it executes the tests to be run. (i.e. I'm probably opening a new appdomain from an app domain created by nUnit -- all that marshalling by ref is probably throwing it for a loop).