Here's my recipe for disaster:
1. New Employer (it helps if you REALLY want to impress them).
2. New CellPhone and Headset.
3. Calling 'Conference Room'.
4. One idiot. (This would be me, your mileage may vary.)
1. Call the telephone conference room to talk to your boss. The 'teleconference room' is a phone number that you dial, then enter your pin into. The 'room' just sits there, and anyone in it can talk with the other people 'in the room.'
2. Talk for just a few minutes.
3. THINK that you've hung up, then proceed with your life. This is where the real fun begins. In my case, a few minutes after I THOUGHT that I hung up, I got on skype with my best bud Carson, and we got ready to play Half-Life2: Deathmatch. Since it was Skype, I had to put my headphones on, so that Carson would just hear my voice, instead of all the noise coming out of my computer. Since it was the first time Carson and I had played HL2: Deathmatch, there was lots of mumbling about which servers to find, how lame this or that was, where the heck this was, etc.
Between the two of us, it PROBABLY sounded like a conversation. To my desk, where my cell-phone headset was laying (decietfully)... it probably sounded like incoherent mumbling/shouting.
Then the game began. I can only imagine: "Ha! take that fag!" and "dude, you totally blew me up!", cackling, complaining about my mouse hosing me, etc. for an HOUR. All while your cell phone is turned on and you're plugged in to your company's 'conference room.'
Oh yeah. Then when you're done playing games, eat some doritoes, and work for about another hour and a half, before your cell phone battery finally DIES and saves you any more possible shame.
Pretty AWESOME if you ask me.
NOT!!!!(it actually sux0rz so bad I can barely think about it without getting sick.)