Awesome Commercial. Almost makes me want to get into the hype.
Brian and I are ex veterans in the war on Coldwater Creek (i.e. we used to both work there, but, um, left), so this his latest post hit home even harder for me - but anyone can enjoy it. I almost guarantee that any geek will LOL upon reading this post.
Julie points out that pitch black at 5 PM suxors. I totally agree. Something about working from home seems to accentuate that point. This really hit home the other day when UPS dropped something off at 6:30 PM. It was completely pitch black and we had to leave the light on for them.
Global Warming:
"It's making my soup toooo hot."
"It makes my juice tooo cold..."
"It makes me crabby. "
"It ruined my marriage."
"It's MELTING the GLACIERS in Europe!!!"
"It's causing an ICE AGE in Europe!!!111"
"It eats kittens for breakfast..."
"<anything else you want to blame global warming for goes here>."
No really. First a story about how the glaciers in Europe are melting. Melting of this magnitude hasn't been seen in 5000 years (nevermind who was doing all the polluting and SUV driving 5k years ago).
Now an article that says it's causing Europe to FREEEZE.
And YEAH, concievably, both of these problems could be easily explained by global warming. It's just that I get sick of science with an AGENDA (or when people with agendas use science to their own purposes). It's like letting the tail wag the dog. Seriously, monitoring Gulf currents every 13 or so years for the past 60+ years really doesn't give us enough data to know ANYTHING.
Michael Crichton said it best when he told graduates at MIT that Extra Terrestrials are responsible for Global Warming. If you TRULY love science don't miss out on this tremendous article. (Sorry that the link pops it up into a tiny little window - reclaim your browser real-estate and read that article!)
Speaking of Crichton and global warning, have you read his book State of Fear? If not, pick it up...It's quite good.
On the aside, I agree with you whole-heartedly. When story a is covering the devestion that's going to be unleashed on the world by seeing as the Greenland ice sheets are melting, and story b is about how the current studies of satellite data show that the ice sheets in Greenland (all except for the coastal bits) are acually incresing in thickness...Well, it leads one to wonder.
Posted by: Xander Sherry | December 01, 2005 at 09:08 PM