Google's motto: "Do no evil" is just a pithy saying. What could it have meant to them? Don't roast and eat children? Don't torture kittens? Don't discipline employees with bamboo shoots under the fingernails?
No, it probably really meant: "Don't sacrifice principles for $$"
Yet, they've gone ahead and allowed China to censor information returned in searches - primarily about human rights. (Yahoo and MS have done the same). The mere fact that China wants to censor things about democracy and human rights should be a pretty damned big indicator of just how EVIL things are over there.
Google could have said: "hey, either allow it unfettered, or ban it - your decision (though if google isn't available in China, won't that send a message that something is a bit screwy with Chinese policy *wink wink*)".
Google claims, of course, that they "took one for the team" - to allow Chinese people greater overall access to information. Hrmmphh. I think the real win here though is that Google will have access to all of those ad impressions. Don't think of it as evil - just think of it as trading principles for $$.