Remember when .NET first made its appearance? Everything got the .NET moniker.
Windows Server .NET
Passport .NET
Paint .NET
.net .NET
It was confusing for a while... but finally cooler heads prevailed, and the fine folks at MS realized that slapping .NET on the back of everything didn't get people in a total frenzy beating down the doors on the Redmond Campus for more .NET!!!! (i.e. people just ended up being confused about what .NET was - there wasn't a rush for .NET stenciled pencils on ebay, etc. as apparently the marketing folks were predicting.)
Now there's Live. Or, should I say: now there's Live!!!!!!!!111oneoneone
- MSN Messenger gets the Live branding (I was joking with Carson about this a few weeks ago. Today I got an invite to participate in a spiffy beta: MSN Messenger Live! (I just KNEW that one would happen))
- Office 2006 (or whatever it will be) may just become Office Live? I kinda doubt it will - but I almost guarantee that somebody somewhere at MS is discussing this... and wouldn't be shocked if the Live branding somehow got confused with that infusion of apple chrome on that slick new menuing system sported by Office...
- Vista Live? Nah..... but heaven help us if it DID happen.
I'm obviously being a bit tongue-in-cheek here with all this Live 'dissing', but all'z I can say is that I'm glad this whole Live 'buzz' happened after the release of VS 2005. I think I would have to shoot myself if I had to use Visual Studio .NET Live! (instead of plain, clean, simple ol' VS 2005).