True - the 'dating' service perplexes me to death. Actually, they just disgust me. What I really don't get is how they stay in business.
Take the following ad taken from a _news_ site: (Warning, it's barely work safe)
Their ads pop up all the time, and it's apparent that they're trying like crazy to attract men to their service. So what gives? Are there really that many women registered with them, and are they just desperate to bring in more men to help make 'matches'?
In other words, I _think_ I get how they are attracting single me to their site. But how in the world are they attracting women to their 'service'?
And lets be honest: men clicking on those ads aren't looking for true love, or even a semi-permanent relationship - they're clicking to see a semi-naked, air-brushed, porn star. That sounds like true love to me. So, what women are signing up to be treated like vixen/sex-kittens instead of like human beings? Seriously, sometimes society pisses me off, and I wish that the whole 'sexual revolution' would shut up already. I don't think anyone in the world, anymore, is 'repressed' (like that's some kind of crime against humanity). But I can almost GUARANTEE that plenty of people in the world are _unfulfilled_ (which is really sad when you think about it) because of constant 'messages' from 'society' that what's being pimpedhere really is true love. I guess that's what angers me - just how shallow and cheap they are.