I'm convinced that the Windows Mobile team is nothing more than three REALLY starved devs chained to some flunky-PM's desk in Ballmer's basement.
The platform stinks. It's got some killer potential - but hasn't really changed one damn bit since Windows CE. (Oh, forgive me, I nearly forgot about how the interface went from 3D to 2D - oh, and that now it supports wireless).
Jesse Ezzel apparently found out the hard way. (His gripe isn't about the bug - it's about the FIX to the bug that he can't have on his new device.)
Me? I'm just bitter that the PM for the platform is so clueless. Seriously, consider:
1) The first thing that anyone does when they buy a new Pocket PC\Windows Mobile Device is zip out and buy/download a program that lets them close their APPLICATIONS when they CLOSE them.
2) It's been like this since WinCE.
3) It would obviously be absurdly simple to fix. (I can almost bet that any Windows Mobile 101 class out there in the wild wouldn't have a "Hello World" sample application on day one - instead they'd show you how to shut down windows when you close them.)
4) From what I'm told, in order to register your mobile apps as Windows Mobile certified, one of the requirements is that there's no visible way for the application to be closed.
I guess clueless isn't the word - stubborn is probably more like it.