So, I'm opening some slides in PowerPoint - only every time (practically) that the mouse moves or that a new slide 'loads'/updates/paints/whatever - I get this excruciating error stating: "Power Point wants you to know that you're a VERY bad person - it can't find ClipArt, and therefore can't display it."
So I decide, FINE, I'll take the hit and install it. Slap in the CD, make the changes, etc and the installer process revs up to perform the actual install. "Woah, sorry there pilgrim... we can't find that MSOCache folder that you deleted after installing Office...."
So I repair office - get the MSOCache back... but still get issues loading in clipart, telling me that it can't find the right version of PRO11N.MSI... gee guys, let me guess... some idiotic mess-up with Office 2003 SP2?
*Sigh.* Now I've got to hope that doing a complete uninstall/re-install will get it to work for me... since I HAVE to get these .ppts to work.
Kinda late this answer, but it's only now that I got into this problem, same as you did. Googling didn't get me any solution, so I had to dig for it.
I didn't want to install Office Clip Art since I don't need it and I'm a minimalist geek, that is, I always install only what I need, nothing extra.
So, to the point, customize the Word's drawing toolbar and remove the Insert Clipart button. The enabled/disabled state of this button triggers the check for Clip Art availability which in turn produces that idiotic, annoying, stupid, useless, no good .... message.
Better late than never :)
Posted by: Mircea | December 17, 2006 at 02:27 AM