Probably the most spooky thing about communism wasn't just its attempt to control property - but minds. If you've watched any movies, or read any good books, about life under communism, the degree to which the 'Orwellian' aspect of communism was able to take root was just eerie.
The current insanity surrounding 'global warming' and, to a lesser degree, political correctness really strike me as being equally repugnant as the notion of thought crimes under communist/totalitarian systems. Look at all the hoopla lately over a few scientists who have stood up to the HORRIBLE [1] science supporting man-caused global warming. They've been seriously threatened with their careers and livelihoods. "Tow the party line... or else... ". I swear that there are politicians, so-called 'do-gooders' (who never do - they only meddle), and self-supposed scientists who wish to high heaven that we had some Gulags at our disposal to teach these heretics a lesson.
Take a look at the following stories, and tell me that there isn't something that smack's eerily of Galileo telling the church that the world wasn't flat:
Oregon Governor wants to behead heretic.
Heretic in Delaware: Earth round, not flat.
LEGAL NOTE: the titles listed above might not match the actual published titles...
And what's appalling? No one would probably have ANY problem if either of these guys were 9/11 Conspiracy wackos - because to question that would impact their free speech. Yet when they, as scientists, object to the prevailing OPINION, and can cite their own scientific evidences, that lands them in hot water, and just makes people cranky. Whereupon those in 'power' or with 'clout' want to whip them into shape by acting as thought police.
I find it completely, utterly, morally repugnant. But I guess that makes me a heretic.
[1] Global Warming, The Cold, Hard Facts? (Note that the author of this opinion/essay also cites Michael Crichton, anecdotally, as another person in the 'main-stream' who opposes the 'science' supporting man-caused global warming.)