If you are involved in .NET development and aren't subscribed to Scott Guthrie's blog, then make sure you zip over to his blog and read two of his latests posts on upcomming changes for C# (and VB.NET) in the "Orcas" timeframe:
Automatic Properties, Object Initializers, and Collection Initializers
Extension Methods
I got a sweet preview of these goodies at the ASPInsiders summit in December, but Scott does a great job of walking you through these new additions in a way that makes their strengths, motivations, and impact very easy to grok. The Extension Methods post, for example, will probably give you more of an overview of what LINQ is if you just follow-through it than any other resource out there - as it shows you exactly what LINQ 'comes from'. (That, and as you read about extension methods you'll see that it represents a killer new paradigm: All the benefits of 'rapid development' associated with dynamic languages/duck-typing (ala Ruby), but with strong-typing under the covers to ensure that your code is still very robust, and remains fast/scalable.)