I think Ice Cream Sammiches [sic] are my new favorite. And I should know: It's only 11AM and I've already had 4 today. (Hey, they come in big boxes...)
Only, I'm working on a new project where I'm sooo deep in a bunch of the driest docs you've seen in your life. Here's a sample/snippet:
The IDebugProperty2::EnumChildren method should be implemented next. The debug engine (DE) calls this method to get a list of local variables and arguments by passing IDebugProperty2::EnumChildren a guidFilter argument of guidFilterLocalsPlusArgs. IDebugProperty2::EnumChildren calls IDebugMethodField::EnumArguments and IDebugMethodField::EnumLocals, combining the results in a single enumeration. See Displaying Locals for more details.
That's just one tiny paragraph - and I'm working through pages and pages of the stuff. To be fair, these docs are actually pretty decent - if you know what they're talking about. But go read that paragraph, and tell me that your head doesn't start to spin a bit.
Now imagine trying that while going through a sugar crash.
Hey, I know... I'll give myself another 'energy boost' by eating 2 more....
Posted by: Chris Frazier | April 04, 2007 at 06:12 PM