Dear MS Office 2007 Team,
For the love of PETE, get your installers to work together!!! I've installed Office 2007, then Office 2007 OneNote. During the install of OneNote I had to make sure that Office didn't sneak in all of the Office Tools and Office Shared Features that I explicitly didn't want when I installed Office 2007.
Now I'm installing the Microsoft Expression Suite (4 separate installs) and they're 'Office' Products too - meaning that I've got to make sure that I don't get that piece-of-crap clip organizer, web themes, and an Access Database Replication Conflict Manager tool. 4 times in a row.
Uh yeah... like I need any of that crap - or should have to worry about installing it when I'm installing graphics and design tools.
Oh, and I'll also need to tell the installer (each and EVERY time) that no, really, I just don't want office to take over my pictures by installing 'Office Picture Mangler'... and I could give two turds less about proofing in Spanish, using Smart Tags, or bastardizing my HTML editing experience by letting Office install it's 'Script Editor'.
Good hell, can't you guys figure out how to remember my last settings/directives and import those for the 'common' features and tools? These are computers we're dealing with right? And you should be able to pull my LAST config preferences from an MSI or the registry somewhere right? (And if not - make it so.)
And another thing: You guys suck for getting rid of the 'Save my settings wizard'. Yeah, the ribbons largely do away with a need for lot of that crap - but that functionality was SOOOOO nice for remembering all of my email accounts in outlook and stuff.
"We now returned to our regular scheduled programming... "
UPDATE: Expression Blend, Media, and Design just provided me with the cleanest/nicest installs process in history. Good job Blend/Media/Design folks. (And, frankly, that says something HUGE about MS products designed on top of the .NET Framework - I can't wait till they're ALL there.)
Not that it's any consolation, but the "save my settings" wizard is kinda built into the "Windows Easy Transfer" program in Vista. I ran it and moved my XP machine's 2007 settings to Vista. Worked like a champ!
Posted by: Nicholas | August 13, 2007 at 12:39 AM